Shell is used to prepare some specialties from snail meat (filled snail). Purchasing the prime material is one of the most important steps. Snails are collected from two sources: from wild fauna and snail growing farms. Collection zones are chosen carefully. Purchasing zones are constantly monitored and snails cannot be collected from rainy zones.
The process of getting and processing the meat has more steps. After a minimum 7 days rest period snails are immolated by steaming (blanchare). Then comes the operation of separating the meat from the shell, followed by evisceration (cut of hepato-pancreas). The meat we have now it’s boiled, sorted by dimensions (calibration). Then each dimension is verified carefully (qualitative verifying) and packed in resistant plastic bags. In each bag is put 5 kg of meat. Bags are vacuumed and pasted thermo-electric then they are introduced in quick refrigerating tunnel. After minimum 8 hours of storage in the tunnel (-22 °C) they are packed in board boxes and stored in refrigerator until delivery.
Shells are vanquished of the following operations: washing in caustic soda solution, neutralization with a solution correspondent to hypochlorite, rinsing in two steps in pure water, drying and sorting by dimension. Next is careful verification of them in order to eliminate the inapplicable ones. They are packed in board boxes of 6 kg.
Shells which have too small holes are repaired. To cover the holes is used a special glue. Another product the company obtains from the snails is snail foam (BAVE) being rich in helicon which is used in pharmacy and cosmetics industry.