:HELIX POMATIA: also named "garden snail", for the huge dimension of comestible part it´s the most important in producing industry. In our country can be found numerous of them in gardens, forests and generally in dark, humid places. The color of thick and solid, oval or globular is grey-burnish generally with 5 darker lines being between 45-55 mm and the color of the meat being white-pink.
HELIX LUCORUM: or "forest snail", prefers places which are partially forested, breezy having a diameter between 45-60 mm with a very thick and solid chitin ledge similar to Helix pomatia. The shell of this sort presents four very live color spires (brown with numerous black bands). The color of the meat is darker than the one of Helix pomatia but this is more searched because of its colored shell and being more resistant than other sorts.
HELIX ASPERSA: also known as "Romanian snail", is a sort which is very quickly adaptable to different climates and conditions. It is available in forested mountains and humid places. Shell of an adult snail can reach diameters between 30-45 mm. Color of its meat is darker green and it opens when the snail is active.